Tour Security

Our touring team of security agents includes former U.S. Secret Service and career security professionals from the industry. We offer 24/7 coverage of client for duration of a tour, which includes the daily life on the road. We have extensive experience on all continents, to include highly volatile locations such as Mexico, South America, and the Middle East.

Shinedown escort in a crowd

Our services include, but not limited to:

  • Tour security advancement
  • Venue risk assessment
  • Daily security briefings with venue staff, local police, and military (when applicable)
  • Hotel / Day off advancing
  • Press coordination
  • Meet & Greets / Radio Events
  • Crowd control


Silver Spear Security is the only firm that will go above and beyond the call of duty. Our work in the industry will always speak for itself, however we will never settle. If you are never learning or adapting to the changing times then you will be left behind. Our goal will always be to make sure your cruise runs efficiently, and any issues that do come up, we will deal with accordingly.

We are a fully licensed and insured private security firm.

Copyright © Silver Spear Security 2021